Linda Inherits Grandma’s Old Clocks And Greedy Brother Gets House, Turns Out She Got Almost $200K….

A greedy brother inherits a house and mocks his younger sister for receiving only five rusty old clocks from their late grandmother, never suspecting the hidden treasures within those timepieces.

“Ah, so Grandma called you too? I figured you’d be too busy with your books, little bookworm!” 26-year-old Brian sneered at his younger sister, Linda, who had just stepped out of a taxi.

Fear gripped Linda’s heart as she hoped her gut feeling was wrong. “Nothing will happen to Grandma,” she told herself. “She’ll be fine. She’ll live another hundred years.”

Both siblings had rushed to visit their 90-year-old grandmother, Marlene, after she called them with an urgent request: “Sweethearts, I want to see you both one last time. I don’t think I’ll get another chance.”

As Linda entered Marlene’s bedroom, she was greeted by the sight of a dusty room. The ceiling had mold from leaks, and it was clear Marlene’s frail condition made it impossible for her to keep up with the chores. Linda’s heart broke seeing her grandmother so weak.

“Grandma!” Linda rushed to her side, hugging her tightly. “You’ll be okay. Nothing will happen to you, I promise. God won’t take you from us.”

Just a year earlier, Linda had lived with Marlene, helping her with everything and nearly turning down a life-changing scholarship to stay by her side. It was only at Marlene’s insistence that she left to pursue her studies in the city.

Brian, meanwhile, walked in, coughing dramatically. “Ugh, Grandma, didn’t you dust in here? I’m allergic to dust, you know!” He stood by, unconcerned with Marlene’s frail state, impatiently waiting to hear why they had been summoned.

With a weak smile, Marlene reached under her pillow and pulled out two envelopes. “These are for you, my dears. Please use them wisely.”

Inside each envelope was $5,000. Linda’s eyes filled with tears, knowing how much Marlene had struggled to save even that much. She ran out of the room, unable to hold back her emotions.

Brian, on the other hand, frowned in disappointment. “Is this it? I thought you had more to give. Well, I’m busy, so I have to go,” he said, turning his back on Marlene without so much as a thank you.

The next morning, Marlene was surprised when Linda showed up again.

“Good morning, Grandma!” Linda said cheerfully, drawing the curtains to let light into the room. “I added my savings to the money you gave me, and now I have $9,000. I want to use it for your eye surgery.”

Marlene’s eyes filled with tears as she hugged her granddaughter. “Oh, my darling, it’s too late for that now. My time is near, and I don’t want the money wasted on me. But you staying here means the world.”

“I’ve taken a month off from school,” Linda reassured her. “I’m not leaving until I see that golden smile on your face again.”

With Linda back home, Marlene felt a weight lift off her shoulders. For the first time in ages, she didn’t have to worry about cooking for herself or being alone. She started to feel more at ease, enjoying meals with her granddaughter by her side.

One day, Marlene heard unfamiliar voices outside her room. When she went to check, she was taken aback. Linda had used the $9,000 to renovate the house, fixing the leaks and making it look as it did when Marlene lived there with her late husband.

“I knew you always wanted to repair Grandpa’s house,” Linda said, beaming. “I did it for you. Do you like it?”

Marlene was overcome with emotion and hugged Linda tightly, tears streaming down her face. A week later, Marlene passed away peacefully in her sleep, just as she had always wished—to leave the world when she was happiest.

A few days after the funeral, Linda and Brian were summoned to the lawyer’s office for the reading of Marlene’s will. To their surprise, there was more than just the envelopes of money.

“Mr. White,” the lawyer said, addressing Brian, “your grandmother left you her house. Please sign these papers to complete the transfer.”

Linda wasn’t jealous, but it hurt her to see Brian inherit the house she had worked so hard to renovate when he clearly didn’t deserve it.

“And Miss Linda, this is for you,” the lawyer continued, handing her a small box. Inside were five old, rusty clocks.

Brian couldn’t contain his laughter. “Seriously? Grandma left me the house and gave you junky clocks? Guess she knew who deserved the best. Enjoy your little trinkets, sis!”

Heartbroken but determined, Linda took the clocks with her back to the city, never thinking to inspect them—until one day, something caught her eye. On one of the clocks, an engraving read: “OPEN IT.”

Curious, she opened the clock and found a small scroll tucked inside. As she unrolled it, her eyes widened in disbelief.

“These clocks are 100-year-old timepieces from my grandfather,” the note began. “They’re made from rare metal and are worth $40,000 each. Never underestimate them, my dear. You’ve gotten the best inheritance of all. With love, Granny Marlene.”

Tears of joy filled Linda’s eyes as she realized the true value of her grandmother’s gift—both emotionally and financially. She held the ticking clocks close to her chest, feeling as though her grandmother was still with her.

Linda chose to keep her discovery to herself. “Let Brian think he got the better deal,” she thought. “Grandma knew who truly deserved the best, and I don’t need to prove it to anyone.”

What can we learn from this story?

  1. Everyone gets what they truly deserve. Brian mocked Linda for inheriting the clocks, not knowing that they were worth a fortune. In the end, Linda received the far greater gift.
  2. Love and care for your elders without expecting anything in return. Linda’s unconditional love for her grandmother was rewarded in ways she never imagined, showing that selfless love often brings unexpected blessings.

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