My Neighbor Constantly Asked to Babysit Her Kid, but She Refused When I Once Asked Her to Look after Mine, So I Got Creative

When my entitled neighbor expected free babysitting for months but went silent the one time I needed her, I realized kindness has limits. So, I got creative and drew the line with a twist she never saw coming.

Motherhood is full of joys and challenges, but it’s also full of people who see your love for your child as a resource to exploit. Some think that just because you’re a stay-at-home mom, you’re always available to be their unpaid nanny. Hi, I’m Annie, and have I got a story for you…

It all started in our peaceful suburban neighborhood, the kind with manicured lawns, polite waves, and quiet evenings. I loved our little slice of tranquility—until Megan moved in next door.

Megan swept in like a gust of wind with her designer bags, confident strut, and an air that screamed “entitlement.” Now, don’t get me wrong. I have a ton of respect for single moms—it’s a tough job. But Megan? She took “single mom” as a license to claim everyone’s time, especially mine.

“Hi! I’m Megan, and this is Lily!” she chirped on the day we first met. I smiled, balancing my son Tommy on my hip. “Nice to meet you! I’m Annie, and this little guy is Tommy.”

Her eyes lit up when she noticed I was home during the day. “Oh, you’re home all day? That’s great! I could really use someone reliable to watch Lily while I work. You wouldn’t mind helping, would you?”

I hesitated but didn’t want to seem rude. “I’m pretty busy with Tommy, but I could help if there’s an emergency.”

She beamed, “Oh, thank you! I just know we’ll be great friends!”

And just like that, I became Megan’s go-to babysitter—for free.

What started as an occasional favor turned into an almost daily occurrence. Every day, there she was with Lily in tow, dropping her off like it was a daycare service. Each time, I was met with the same excuse: “I’ve got an important meeting,” or “I really need a break.” Meanwhile, she was off getting her nails done or enjoying a spa day.

One day, she arrived unannounced—again. “Annie, you’re a lifesaver! I’ve got this big meeting. You can watch Lily, right?”

I hesitated, exhausted from chasing after two kids all week. “Megan, I really have a lot on my plate today. I don’t think I can.”

“Oh, it’s just for a couple of hours,” she said, already ushering Lily inside. “Thanks, you’re the best!” Before I could protest, she was gone.

Weeks passed, and I was nearing my breaking point. But the final straw came on a Tuesday. I was in the middle of a virtual doctor’s appointment when Megan barged in, Lily trailing behind her. “Emergency! I’ve got to run to the salon. Can you watch Lily?”

I stared at her, my doctor’s voice still coming through my earbuds. “Megan, I’m in the middle of something important—”

“Thanks, you’re a doll!” she chirped and vanished.

That night, I vented to my husband, Dan. “I can’t believe her! She just assumes I’m always available.”

Dan frowned. “You need to set some boundaries, Annie. This isn’t fair to you or Tommy.”

He was right, and I resolved to put my foot down the next time Megan came knocking. Little did I know, my opportunity would come sooner than expected.

The following week, Dan and I had a doctor’s appointment, and I thought it would be the perfect time to ask Megan for a favor in return. I knocked on her door, hoping she’d finally step up.

“Megan, could you watch Tommy for an hour? I’d really appreciate it,” I asked, trying not to sound desperate.

Her expression immediately soured. “Oh, Annie, I don’t feel comfortable watching other people’s kids. It’s just so stressful, you know? I really need my ‘me time.’ You understand, right?”

I stood there, speechless. After months of watching her daughter, she couldn’t spare one hour? But I smiled and replied, “Sure, I understand.”

As I walked back home, something inside me snapped. I needed to teach her a lesson, and I knew just how to do it.

A few days later, Megan knocked on my door with her usual request. “Annie, I’ve got a hair appointment. You can watch Lily, right?”

I smiled sweetly. “Actually, Megan, I’ve started a new babysitting business. Since I’m home all day, I figured I might as well make some extra money. I’d be happy to watch Lily, but there’s a fee.”

Her eyes lit up. “Oh, a business? What’s the rate?”

“Normally, I’d charge $20 an hour, but since we’re neighbors, I’ll give you a discount—$15 an hour.”

Her jaw dropped. “Fifteen dollars an hour? That’s ridiculous! I can’t afford that!”

I shrugged. “Childcare is expensive these days, Megan. That’s why it’s important to find people willing to help you out.”

She stormed off in a huff, but I couldn’t help the grin spreading across my face. The tables had finally turned.

From that day on, every time Megan asked for a favor, I responded with mock invoices and rate sheets. One afternoon, when she came to pick up Lily late, I handed her a piece of paper. “Here’s your invoice, Megan. Don’t forget the late pick-up fee!”

Her face twisted with anger. “This is ridiculous! You’re nothing but a greedy witch!”

I raised an eyebrow. “Really? Because last I checked, I asked you for a favor once, and you couldn’t help me.”

“That’s different!” she spat. “I’m a single mom! I’m busy!”

“And I’m a stay-at-home mom running a business,” I said. “We’re all busy, Megan.”

She grabbed Lily’s hand and stormed off, but I could tell she got the message.

Word of my “babysitting business” spread through the neighborhood. Other moms started coming up to me with their own Megan stories. Chelsea, another neighbor, stopped me at the mailbox. “Annie, you’re a genius! I started charging Megan too, and suddenly, she stopped asking me to babysit.”

I laughed. “I thought I was the only one dealing with this!”

Chelsea shook her head. “Oh no, she’s been trying this with everyone. But now? No one’s helping her for free anymore.”

And sure enough, Megan soon realized she couldn’t get free babysitting from anyone in the neighborhood. The constant knocks on my door stopped, and our little corner of paradise returned to its peaceful self.

One evening, I saw Megan struggling with groceries. For a second, I considered helping her. But then I remembered all the times she left me in the lurch. Some people need to learn to carry the weight of their own actions, and Megan was no exception.

Was it petty? Maybe a little. Was it satisfying? Absolutely. Sometimes, the best way to deal with entitled people is to set clear boundaries—and stick to them. Have you ever dealt with a neighbor like Megan? Share your stories in the comments!

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