I’m 23, and the oldest of a chaotic, blended family. My parents split when I was just six, and both moved on with new lives, new marriages, and more kids. My mom remarried, had two more children, and then divorced again. My dad now has a daughter with his current girlfriend. It’s a large, mismatched family that somehow, miraculously, gets along. I adore my siblings, and I’ve always stepped up to help out, especially during our countless family gatherings. But lately, it’s felt like I’m not just helping—I’m expected to do it all. And my parents? They only really seem to notice me when they need something.

Now, I’m three months pregnant with my fiancé, and two weeks ago, we had yet another family gathering. As usual, I was put in charge of watching all the kids, no questions asked. I didn’t mind at first—until after dinner. There I was, finally sitting down to enjoy a decadent brownie sundae I’d been looking forward to all day. But, of course, my little sister (one of my mom’s kids) came over and asked for a bite. I gave her some, thinking it’d stop there, but she kept asking for more. Before I knew it, my sundae was nearly gone.

My fiancé, noticing how much I’d given up, gently said, “Okay, now leave your big sister some.” But then my dad, out of nowhere, chimed in, his voice like a hammer to my chest: “An older sister is like a second mother. That won’t change, even when she has her own kids.”

Those words hit me hard. I’d already sacrificed my dessert for my sister, and now my dad was casually confirming that I would always be expected to put myself last, even with my own child on the way. The sting of it was overwhelming. My fiancé, sensing my discomfort, tried to defuse the situation and went to see if there was more dessert. But my parents—oh, they didn’t back down. They grew defensive, rattling off all the things an older sister should do, listing my duties as if they were set in stone.

I couldn’t take it anymore. Something in me snapped. I blurted out what I’d been holding inside for years, “You’ve never treated me like a daughter! Just someone who’s always expected to help out and handle everything.” The words tumbled out before I could stop them. I instantly regretted it, but the damage was done. My mom shot me a cold look, grabbed my sister, and didn’t say another word to me for the rest of the night. My dad? He just went quiet, but now he barely responds to my texts.

Now, I’m left wondering if I’ve shattered everything. Did I go too far? Did I destroy my relationship with my parents and siblings? And most of all… how do I fix it?

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