Lady Informs Fiancé’s Family She Is Pregnant, ‘He’s Infertile!’ His Mom Says – Story of the Day

Chris’ parents never accepted his relationship with Amanda. When she announced her pregnancy at dinner, they quickly accused her of cheating, fueled by shocking medical results. Their lives would never be the same.

“I just want to get this over with,” Chris sighed, standing at his parents’ front door.

“They’re your parents, honey. We want them to finally accept me and come to our wedding, right?” Amanda, his fiancée, gently touched his arm.

Chris grunted. “I really don’t care about that, Amanda. I’m sorry, but if they can’t accept the woman I love, I don’t want anything to do with them.”

“Please, honey. We have to make peace with them. What about the future? They’re family. We want them to be a part of our children’s lives, don’t we?” Amanda continued, her smile wavering slightly. She didn’t notice the tightening of Chris’s mouth.

Chris struggled to keep his composure. “Yeah. I guess,” he muttered stiffly.

“OK! Now, cheer up. We’re in this together,” Amanda perked up, hugging his side.

Mrs. Castillo, Chris’s mother, opened the door with a barely concealed grimace. “Hello, Amanda. It’s nice to see you,” she said, nodding slightly and stepping aside to let them in.

Chris wanted to roll his eyes. It had been years since he and Amanda got together, and despite their engagement, his parents still resented her. They had hoped Chris would marry someone else—specifically, Ciara, the daughter of a well-respected family in town. But Chris had always sought something different, and Amanda had been the one who truly captured his heart.

He met Amanda by chance, and their relationship quickly blossomed, much to his parents’ dismay. From the start, they tried to discourage him, favoring Ciara, who came from a similar background. But Chris refused to listen to their demands, knowing that Amanda was the one for him.

Amanda, ever hopeful, continued to try to win over his parents, inviting them to dinners and including them in wedding plans. She believed that announcing her pregnancy would finally soften their hearts. But she was unaware of the bombshell Chris had just learned.

As they sat at the dinner table, Chris was preoccupied, knowing he had something urgent to tell Amanda. Something that could change their relationship forever.

“So, Amanda,” Mr. Castillo began, breaking Chris out of his thoughts, “how’s work?”

“Oh, Mr. Castillo, work is going great. My boss has a huge event coming up, and I’m helping plan everything. It’s been fun, actually,” Amanda replied, trying to engage them.

“That’s… fine. When are you going to quit your job?” Mr. Castillo continued.

“Excuse me?”

“Quit. To become a housewife,” Mr. Castillo clarified.

“I’m not quitting,” Amanda said, confused.

“She’s going to keep working, Dad,” Chris interjected, clearly annoyed.

“That’s… just fine. Amanda is a modern woman, after all,” Mrs. Castillo added, her tone neutral.

“Well, I don’t know my plans yet. It’ll depend on the future,” Amanda said nervously. “Speaking of which, I have an announcement. I’m pregnant!”

The room fell into a tense silence. Amanda had been sure this news would bring them closer together, but she had no idea what Chris had recently discovered.

Mrs. Castillo was the first to break the silence. “He’s infertile!” she yelled, her voice seething with anger, her eyes flashing.

Chris was paralyzed with shock. They had been trying for months, and he had just received medical results proving that he couldn’t father children. The implication was clear—Amanda had cheated.

“You worthless trollop!” Mrs. Castillo screamed. “You cheated on my son and got pregnant? Now you want to baby-trap him?”

“Baby trap him? Mrs. Castillo, Chris and I have been trying for months. We wanted to surprise you and start our family right away. What do you mean by infertile? That’s impossible!” Amanda shook her head, trying to make sense of the situation.

Mr. Castillo stood, his expression cold. “Get out of this house immediately. Never show your face near my son again, or we will get a restraining order,” he threatened.

“Sir! Chris, please. Do something. I don’t understand!” Amanda begged, but Chris remained frozen, staring at his plate.

“Chris!” Amanda screamed as Mrs. Castillo grabbed her hair and dragged her toward the front door. “Get out now!” the older woman yelled, slamming the door behind her.

The next few days were a blur for Amanda. Chris moved out of their shared apartment, leaving the medical results on the kitchen counter along with a note: “I was concerned and got tested. I’m infertile. Completely. I hope you have a happy life, but it won’t be with me.”

Amanda was devastated. She knew the baby was Chris’s—she hadn’t been with anyone else. But Chris refused to see her or listen to her explanations. When she tried to confront him at his parents’ house, they called the police.

Despite everything, Amanda decided to raise her baby on her own. She had a good job and a supportive boss, and she knew she could provide for her child. She named her son Paul, and every day, she persevered for him. But Paul was a spitting image of Chris, a constant reminder of what she had lost.

Meanwhile, Chris tried to move on. His parents were supportive, and they even encouraged him to start dating Ciara. He reluctantly agreed, though his heart wasn’t in it. Life without Amanda was bleak, but he tried to push forward.

One day, while walking down the street, Amanda bumped into Chris. They exchanged awkward pleasantries, but when Chris saw a photo of Paul on her phone, he was stunned. The baby had his eyes.

Over the next few days, Chris couldn’t stop thinking about the encounter. Could it be possible that the medical results were wrong? Was Paul really his son?

During a wedding planning session with Ciara, her mother accidentally let slip that the test results had been part of a plan to break him and Amanda up. Chris was furious. He demanded the truth from his mother, who finally confessed that they had orchestrated everything. The results were fake, and everyone, including Ciara’s family, had been in on the scheme.

Chris was devastated and immediately went to find Amanda. He entered their old apartment, now Amanda’s alone, and broke down in tears. When Amanda found him there, she was understandably furious, but as Chris explained everything, she softened.

“I’m so sorry. I should’ve believed you. I was an idiot,” Chris confessed.

“Yeah, you were,” Amanda agreed. “But I guess it finally makes sense. I’m not saying it’s right, but I get it.”

“Is there any way you can forgive me?” Chris asked, his voice filled with hope.

“Life’s too short for grudges,” Amanda replied, though she was still uncertain about their future.

“And is there any way I can be in his life?” Chris asked, his voice trembling.

“That I don’t know,” Amanda said honestly. “It’s been hard. It’s been lonely. I don’t know if there’s any going back.”

Chris nodded, tears in his eyes. “I know it’ll take forever, but I’ll do whatever it takes to make it up to you. Even if we can’t be together, you and Paul are my family.”

Amanda looked into his eyes and saw his sincerity. “First, you should meet Paul, your son,” she said softly. “And then, we probably need to think about suing Mr. Geoffrey.”

Chris laughed through his tears. Amanda was right—they had a lot to sort out, but he was determined to make things right.

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