A woman was called to what she was told was “the scene of a fatal accident”, the victim being her boyfriend!…

A woman received a distressing call informing her of a “fatal accident” involving her boyfriend. Upon arriving at the scene, she was overwhelmed with shock and despair, only to witness an unexpected twist: her boyfriend “rose from the dead” and proposed to her.

The unusual event took place in Nigeria, where a man orchestrated an elaborate marriage proposal with the help of his friends. They staged a fake accident, complete with the man lying motionless on the ground surrounded by fake blood, and then called his girlfriend to the scene.

The woman was heartbroken and distraught, believing she had lost the love of her life. She cried out and mourned for him as she knelt beside his seemingly lifeless body.

However, after a few intense moments of grief, the man suddenly got up, smiling, and asked her to marry him. It took a few moments for the woman to process the situation and recover from the shock, but eventually, she too began to smile and happily accepted his proposal.

What began as a heart-wrenching scenario turned into a joyful celebration of love, leaving both the woman and onlookers relieved and elated.

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