7 Year Old Boy Tells Mom He Is Not Alone at Night, Mom Puts Camera in His Room

A frightened boy tells his mother that someone is lurking in his room at night. At first, she brushes it off as a child’s vivid imagination, but when she sets up a surveillance camera, the footage reveals a shocking truth.
Christopher Corbin, a seven-year-old boy, pulled his blanket tightly over his head and pressed his fingers into his ears each night, convinced that a monster was hiding in his closet. Despite his mother Lacey’s reassurances, the fear didn’t go away—it grew stronger.
Over breakfast one morning, Lacey noticed her usually cheerful son was unusually quiet, picking at his food. When she asked him what was wrong, he reluctantly admitted that a monster in his closet was coming out at night. Lacey, seeing the genuine fear in his eyes, decided to take action.
To help ease Christopher’s fears, Lacey installed a nightlight and assured him that monsters couldn’t handle light. But the following morning, Christopher was even more frightened. He claimed to have seen the shadow of the “monster” moving despite the light.
Determined to prove there was nothing to fear, Lacey remembered an old nanny cam disguised as a teddy bear and decided to set it up in Christopher’s room. The next morning, she reviewed the footage expecting to find nothing. Instead, her jaw dropped.
In the video, the closet door creaked open, and a small figure scurried out. Lacey froze. There was something—or someone—hiding in her son’s closet.
Rushing upstairs, Lacey opened the closet and moved the toys aside. Curled up in the back was a frightened boy about Christopher’s age. Startled, the boy began to cry as Lacey gently coaxed him out.
“Hello,” she said softly. “I’m Lacey. Who are you?”
“I’m Victor,” the boy whispered.
Lacey invited Victor to join them for breakfast, explaining to Christopher that the “monster” was just another boy who had been hiding in fear. Over breakfast, Victor shared his heartbreaking story. He had attended Christopher’s recent birthday party with a friend and decided to stay after feeling safe and loved at the Corbin home.
Victor revealed that his mother had passed away and his father had remarried a woman who mistreated him. Tearfully, he begged Lacey not to send him back.
Lacey was heartbroken but knew she had to return Victor to his family. However, when she arrived at their home, she immediately understood the truth. Victor’s stepmother greeted her with a fake smile, but her cruel treatment of Victor was unmistakable.
The woman grabbed Victor by the arm, digging her nails into his shoulder and yelling, “Stupid boy! No dinner for you!” Lacey’s suspicions were confirmed. She left the house and drove straight to the police station.
Within hours, Lacey returned with officers and a social worker, who witnessed the abuse firsthand. Victor’s father and stepmother were arrested, and Lacey volunteered to take Victor into her home temporarily.
Over time, Victor became part of the Corbin family. The bond between him and Christopher grew stronger, and when the court sentenced Victor’s parents to prison, Lacey petitioned to adopt him. Soon, Victor was not only Christopher’s best friend but also his brother.
What can we learn from this story?
- Sometimes what seems impossible is real. Lacey dismissed Christopher’s fears at first but discovered there really was a “monster” in the closet.
- Every child deserves unconditional love. Victor found the love and care he had been denied in the Corbin household, thanks to Lacey’s kindness and compassion.
Share this story with others—it might remind them of the importance of listening, caring, and taking action when something doesn’t seem right.