YOU WONT BELIEVE YOUR EARS, This 10 year old boy will leave you speechless, His jaw dropping performance of Eric Carmens All by Myself is unlike anything you have ever heard, The moment he belts out all by myself, everyone turns and tears start flowing, His voice is pure magic, and he takes the song to heights you never imagined

In a jaw-dropping performance on The Voice Kids, 12-year-old Sasha from Georgia captivated the judges and audience with his heart-stirring rendition of “All By Myself.” From the moment he began singing, his extraordinary vocal range and commanding stage presence had every judge slamming their red buttons in awe.
The climax of his performance came when Sasha effortlessly delivered a breathtaking high note, leaving the audience gasping and prompting one judge to leap to their feet, shouting, “Incredible!” His raw emotion and undeniable talent struck a chord with viewers worldwide, racking up millions of views online and earning him instant acclaim.
Sasha’s audition is already hailed as one of the most iconic moments in The Voice Kids history, marking the beginning of what promises to be a remarkable journey for this rising star.