UNBELIEVABLE, This 8 year old kid is being hailed as the next Elvis, and you wont believe your ears, He didnt just turn chairs, he got the JURY DANCING ON STAGE

Lissandro Formica delivered a show-stopping performance on “The Voice,” belting out Elvis Presley’s hit “Too Much.” As soon as he struck the opening chords, his dynamic voice seized the audience’s attention, prompting each judge to turn their chairs in awe, their faces alight with admiration.
As Lissandro’s charisma electrified the stage, he didn’t just perform; he inspired an impromptu dance party among the judges, transforming the set into a vibrant celebration of music’s uniting force. This spontaneous display underscored the standout nature of his act.
In the audience, Lissandro’s family rode the wave of the palpable excitement that swept through the stands. The crowd leaped to their feet, driven by the charged atmosphere, their cheers echoing through the venue. Amid this frenzy, Lissandro stood a figure of composure, his focus unwavering, his confidence unshaken—a true professional.
The performance wrapped up to thunderous applause and glowing commendations from the judges for his formidable stage presence and vocal prowess. Lissandro not only won the judges’ hearts but also set an exceptionally high standard for the rest of the competition.