Our Dog Wouldnt Stop Barking at the Thanksgiving Turkey, When I Finally Checked It, I Called the Police

One Thanksgiving turned into an unexpected mystery when our dog, Max, wouldn’t stop barking at the turkey my husband, Kyle, had just brought home. I thought Max was just being greedy, but his insistent barking prompted me to investigate further.
I’m Athena, known to my friends as Ace. I’m a 32-year-old who found herself unwittingly in a scene straight out of a crime thriller last Thanksgiving.
That morning, Kyle had cheerfully set out to pick up our pre-ordered turkey from the local butcher, while I managed the chaos of our kitchen. His usual quick run turned into an hour-long absence, and he returned looking unusually disheveled, claiming he’d been running errands and helping his mom with her broken-down car.
Before I could probe further, he was off again, leaving me with the turkey and a very agitated Max. Max’s incessant barking at the turkey was unusual, even for him, and out of desperation to calm him, I decided to unwrap the turkey to maybe give him a small bite.
That’s when I found it—tucked inside the turkey was a bag stuffed with cash. Puzzled and alarmed, I called the police, worried we might have stumbled into something illegal.
As I waited for the police, Kyle returned, and just then, officers arrived. In the midst of our kitchen turned impromptu crime scene, Kyle explained his bizarre decision: he had withdrawn savings to secretly book a surprise trip to Hawaii for us but, in a last-minute panic, hid the cash inside the turkey to keep it from me until the right moment.
This Thanksgiving blunder turned into a family anecdote about the time a turkey nearly cost us more than just a meal. Max, ever the hero, earned himself extra treats, and despite the initial shock, we had a hearty laugh over Kyle’s unconventional method of surprise. And yes, we did make it to Hawaii, where another kind of surprise awaited us—a future family expansion, courtesy of a holiday marked by gratitude and a very memorable turkey.